The coven Awen Forge is a Gardnerian Coven of the Long Island Line. Our covenstead is located in Malvern, PA. Through the practice of Gardnerian Wicca, we seek to teach our members to connect with our Lord and Lady and take in their messages and hold them within their hearts. We also provide our members with the tools to reach their utmost spiritual and magickal abilities and to use this knowledge on a daily basis.
Through the Gardnerian structure, we gain knowledge by group and individual study, meditation and the use of trance states, and ethical practice in all of our magickal workings. Through this study and practice of our tradition and the fostering of our individual inspirations, we celebrate the presence of the Lord and Lady within ourselves.
Awen Forge is a daughter coven of Sacred Crossroads Coven. We facilitated the well attended open rituals of the Inner Path from Yule of 2007 till Yule of 2009.
We do not recruit members, but serious inquiries are welcome.
To contact Awen Forge Coven:
Andraste Brid, HPS: andraste.brid@gmail.com

The Circle of the Sacred Oak is a Gardnerian coven of witches centered in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. We are committed to the preservation of the Craft, its lore and practice, as we received it. As Gardnerian witches, we place a high priority on upholding our tradition. By doing so, we believe we foster our spiritual growth and development as individuals. While our preference is to work and learn within a traditional framework, creativity and further exploration of all aspects of witchcraft are strongly encouraged. Our goal is to provide a supportive venue for men and women preparing to enter the priesthood of the wicca. Sacred Crossroads is our mother coven.
The Circle of the Sacred Oak does not actively pursue new members. Our feeling is that if one is called to follow our path, their heart will guide them and they will need little encouragement in their seeking. Serious inquiries are welcomed and strong consideration for membership will be given to proper candidates provided space is available and they prove compatible with our group. We do not accept minors.
To contact Circle of the Sacred Oak:
Betula, HPS: betulasbotanica@aol.com
Baudrons, HP: b_grimalkin@yahoo.com

Ancara Imparo is a Gardnerian coven which offers training to sincere men and women interested in following this traditional path. We are located a few miles north of Topeka, Kansas. We are a daughter coven of Sacred Crossroads Coven. The influence of the Gardanerian tradition was important enough to me to travel a long distance to the Philadelphia area, many, many times to receive my training from Lady Kaleah and Dagda, High Priestess and High Priest of Sacred Crossroads Coven in Wayne, Pennsylvania. This training allowed one-on-one magical experience with the members of Sacred Crossroad Coven, but in addition there was a tremendous amount of communication through emails and phone conversations.
Training in Coven Ancora Imparo begins with an informational discussion series on Traditional British Wicca which can be taken in a group setting or through private instruction. We follow a three degree system of initiation and elevation. The initiation and elevation process is important because it provides us with a knowledge of the progress we are making on our spiritual and magickal journey.
We occasionally offer open, or what we call Outer Court Sabbat rituals, workshops and classes for the pagan community in the Topeka area so that they may experience the joy of being in circle and learning with others of like mind. Inner Court Sabbats and Full Moon celebrations are reserved for those initiated into this traditional, oath-bound path.
To contact Coven Ancora Imparo:
Aria, HPS: aria@covenancoraimparo.com

We are a Traditional Gardnerian Coven of the Long Island Line. Our covenstead is located in Gloucester County, NJ. Our coven follows the traditions passed down through our lineage. We worship the Lord and Lady through ritual at full moons. We celebrate eight Sabbats a year, honoring the changing of the seasons, and change within ourselves. Sacred Sunstone is an initiatory coven, which means all members need to be initiated into the Gardnerian Tradition in order to circle in our Inner Court. We offer Outer Court rituals for those who do not wish to be initiated into the Gardnerian Line. Our mission is to embrace Wicca throughout our area, and bring confidence through knowledge to seekers of the Craft. Sacred Sunstone is a daughter coven of Sacred Crossroads. Blessed be!
To contact Sacred Sunstone Coven:
Rhea, HPS and Helios, HP: sacredsunstonecoven@gmail.com