What we’re about
This is just a little about our group and who we are…
Sacred Crossroads is a Traditional Gardnerian Coven in the Valley Forge, PA area offering training and study groups which could possibly lead to Coven membership. We also teach Wicca 101, Magick, Herbalism, Trance States, Ritual Design, Leading Large Group Rituals…and just about any topic that pertains to Witchcraft. Classes are always informal and fun and a great place to meet people of like mind. Classes are free except if materials are needed, and they are taught from the heart in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Our Meetup group is quite different. This is something we do to help the general Community network – share ideas, knowledge and our personal spirituality. Our gatherings are very casual and eclectic. We have had fun, learning to make incense, doing a little ritual to bless seeds and then planting them, learning to develop our psychic abilities, movie night where we watched the cult classic “The Wickerman, and other such activities. We meet every First Wednesday of the Month at 7pm and occasionally run a weekend workshop. We recently hosted a full day workshop on the Magickal and Medicinal use of Herbs. We welcome topics suggested by the members.
So if you are interested meeting people of like mind, learning about occult, witchy or Wiccan topics in a casual and friendly setting, we welcome you to join with us in the Sacred Crossroads Group.